Saturday Morning On The Interwebs

Robin Tattersall 1957
With much to do on this last Saturday before Christmas and little time to blog, so I shall point you to some posts that I enjoyed reading this week.

My Laguna Beach buddy, Admiral Cod, posted on Swiss Banker Style from the UBS dress code.
(Personally, I agree with the idea of a dress code, and think that more firms outside of the private banking realm should adopt one.)

Then we had Miss Cavendish on the Black Swan - White Swan fashion story Moncler style. Very clever.

Dash has posted photos of her magical winter wonderland with her view of  the snow from her backyard to the Pyrenees.

Tabitha was hanging out with Karl Lagerfeld and she has the photo to prove it.

An Aesthete's Lament brought us the ultimate DIY interior, a formal library made even more formal with some tasteful application of gaffer's tape.  Look at these photos, you will die.

Finally, Bluetramontana Style brought us a post on the beautiful Robin Tattersall, model, surgeon, sailor.
Robin Tattersall with Suzy Parker skating on the Place de la Concord, 1956