Who Are These People?

No really, I want to know
Who are these people?
from Drudge
Woman pepper sprays other Black Friday shoppers to 'gain upper hand'

'Girls punching each other' over yoga pants sale at Victoria's Secret
Literally, girls were punching each other,” said shopper Liz Wentling. “They threw little bags in baskets and they were just like, ‘Here.’ Girls were literally shoving each other, moms were getting into it.”

Mayhem over $2 waffle maker

Grandfather smashed to the ground as he tried to protect grandson from crowd

and the ultimate

Man dies shopping on Black Friday; unfazed shoppers walked around, stepped over body

Really, what does all this Black Friday nonsense say about us as a society?

How did we become a society of consumers who are afraid
that we can't import another bazillion big screen TVs from China
or that there will ever be any scarcity in yoga pants
Has consumerism pushed our collective IQ to the left end of the bell curve?

Every day of my life I am thankful to work in an internet business with clients who are smart, gracious, grateful and all around classy.