St. Joseph's Day in Capistrano

Today is St. Joseph's Day, when the cliff swallows traditionally return to Mission San Juan Capistrano. I say "traditionally," because the only swallows nests you'll find there today are the fake ones tacked in place for purposes of "historical interpretation."

It seems Capistrano isn't the cool place for swallows to hang out these days. First they moved to the Mission Viejo Mall, and the last I heard they were using the Vellano Country Club in Chino Hills and underpasses on the I-5 Freeway as their Southern California nesting places. I doubt anyone will write romantic songs about freeways and malls to update Leon René's 1940 hit, "When the Swallows Come Back to Capistrano," (sheet music shown above).

That song has been covered by a wide array of artists from the Ink Spots to Gene Autry to Bugs Bunny. Wikipedia claims, "A glassed-off room in the mission was later designated in René's honor, and displays the upright piano on which he composed the tune, the reception desk from his office, several copies of the song's sheet music and other pieces of furniture, all donated by René's family."

I have no memory of seeing this room, but it would hardly be the first time that either my memory or Wikipedia had failed me.
The Mission, of course, is celebrating St. Joseph's Day today, with bell ringing and other festivities. The city as a whole will celebrate the Fiesta de las Golondrinas on Saturday the 24th, with the traditional parade, etc.

Any guesses where the swallows will alight this year?